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Cisco Kid


Cisco is our main guardian who's  responsibility is watching our ewes.  Cisco is a full blooded Great Pyrenees, who was purchased at three months and spent his first few months in the house where we spent time obedience training him.  At about 5 months he seemed ready to be outside and we put him in with a couple of young rams we were growing out.  As soon as we did, his natural guardian instinct began to show.  As he grew out of his puppy stage we began letting him spend some time in the ewes fields and this year he took over as their guardian.   Cisco is a natural and loves being with the ewes, yet when the grandkids come out to the farm he just has to come and say hi.

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Belle Star


Belle is our ram guardian.   She is a 5/8 Anatolian, 3/8 Pyrenees, he father was a giant AKC Anatolian who weighed in excess of 170 lbs.  Belle also takes her job very seriously yet is such a loving dog around the grandchildren.    Belle came to us at around 4 months old from a farm in central Illinois.  She was born out in the field among the goats that her parents watched and spent all of her time growing up there, thus she was never handled very much before we got her.  After some training we found she has two sides to her personality, one the very serious guardian that has no play in her when she is on the job and the other a very loving and gentle soul when interacting with people.   She pretty much sleeps in the day and at night is prowling the ram pens parameter, letting any threat know she's there.   By chance we found, that Belle is strictly a ram dog though.  She likes the rams because they don't bother her and she doesn't bother them, unlike our ewes who like to get up close and personal with Cisco. This makes things easy for us because they both do their jobs very well.  Since we've been in Arkansas we haven't lost ny sheep to preditors.

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